About me


Turning in action

Working with nature.

From the age of 10, and mainly thanks to my prep-school wood-work teacher Barry Jackson, I have been utterly inspired when working with wood. I find myself in that zone where time stands still; tea goes cold; and I am late for everything.

Around 30 years later and thanks to a legacy from my inspirational Godfather, I was able to buy my own lathe, and can now be found making shavings given the slightest excuse.

With an eye to improving, I have had a few days tuition from Nick Agar, whose work inspires me and encourages me to try new ideas and take risks. Even when a mistake from a lack of concentration demands that I pay the price, I press on. I eagerly accept all offers of wood, even if it is used to practise turning specific shapes that are then sent to the woodturner.

Like many other turners, I find the work of David Ellsworth inspiring and amazing, as is that of Nick Agar, Bert Marsh, Rob Chapman, Stuart Mortimer and Tracey Owen. These men deserve much greater recognition for the artistry they produce. I can only dream of achieving their level of ability, design and above all, beauty.

I may be some timeā€¦

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